According to New York Times to a 1930 article, a man named Li Ching-Yuen amazingly lived for 256 years and his story is totally real!
A Chengdu University professor, discovered an evidence of the Chinese government (1827) congratulating li Cheng on his 150th birthday. More documents testify that even they congratulated again for the 200th birthday in 1877! According to the 1928, the New York Times an article wrote for this man and about all the people that knew him and were old now with their own families.

Li Ching was 10 when he began his career as herbalist. He walked on mountains to gather herbs and plants and learn about their power for longer life. He was on herb diet for 40 years and it included: goji berry, lingzhi, ginseng, he shoo wu, rice wine and gotu kola and rice wine.
At the age of 71, in 1749 he went to joined the Chinese army and taught them martial fighting and arts. He was caring and wanted to help his community. He was married over 23 times and had more than 200 children. But supposedly, he wasn’t even the oldest man that he knew! One of his students claimed that Li even met a 500 year old man that taught him Qigong workout for longer life.
At the aged of ten Li had already visited Shansi, Kansu, Annam, Tibet, Siam, Manchuria to gather more herbs. After a century he sold these herbs and much more. He sold: ginseng, he shoo wu, lingzhi, goji and gotu kola. Also he mixed in Chinese herbs too and followed this diet with rice wine.
One of his students said he even met a 500 years old man that taught him Qigong exercise and give him advices about his nutrition to help him life longer.
When Li is about to die, He said he did everything he could for this world. Are these words maybe really magical and powerful and the secret for longer life? People in the West thought that aging is bad and with meds or devices you can slow it down and should. Li advised being calm and relaxed and breathe well. Of course, the diet is crucial too.
The average lifespan of human’s life to live is between 70-85 and for the West people to reach 100 is a miracle. They don’t believe to hear about someone living after 200! But why we not believe that people can live so long?
These people in this world avoid always sugars, flours and sprayed foods. They avoid modern foods. Also GMO is blocked there. There is no dessert, fatty meat, or antibiotics, alcohol and cigarettes. They do not live a stressful life.
They spend their free time in the practical nature of breathing and meditate a lot. This makes them mentally healthy and also healthy due to nature spending time, good sleep and sun exposure. Today in our modern life many people do not have time to keep things simple. When we treat our bodies properly, who knows for how can we live?
Source: organichealthuniverse
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