Many people all over the world have sleeping problems, turning around in bed all night, staring at the ceiling, thinking about your life, and the next thing you see is the sun coming out and you need to get up and go to work or school.
Insomnia – Most Common Causes:
There are many factors that can cause insomnia, such as: stress, depression, anxiety, problems at work, etc. So, when you go to bed, you will think about your problems at work, family problems or you will think about the things, which you have to do the following day. In this case your brain can’t relax and it’s active all the time, which means you can’t sleep.
According to experts some drugs and medications can be the cause for insomnia, such as: heart medications, blood pressure medications, pain medications, antihistamines, etc. These medications can contribute to sleeping issues. Some of these medications will make you drowsy at first, but they can also cause some stomach problems – which will force you to go to the bathroom a lot and disturb your sleep even more. The main issue here is that we cannot do anything right without proper goodnight sleep. When we sleep, we are recharging our batteries.
How Much Sleep Do We Need?
Sleeping is extremely important for our health in general. It’s important for the body, mind and every vital function in the body. If we sleep more, we can be more productive and we can finish our everyday tasks without any problems. The human body needs at least 8 hours of sleep, because that’s the time needed to completely refuel itself and to recharge the entire organism. Many people believe that caffeine can help them if they don’t sleep enough, but they are definitely wrong! Caffeine can only provide short, temporary energy boost and once the effects are over, you will feel even worse than before.
Ways to Improve Your Sleep!
You should avoid watching TV and working on the computer, at least one hour before you go to sleep. This will help you fall asleep much faster. When we watch TV or when we work on our computer, our brain is on high alert and when we are done with it, our organism needs some time to calm down the brain before we fall asleep.
The consumption of the mixture with salt and sugar, according to Matt Stone, an American scientist who has published several books on how nutrition and metabolism contribute to relieve from insomnia and headaches, strengthen the immunity, raise the level of energy and also raise the level of serotonine and electrolytes.
Fortunately, this remedy is very effective and you will wake up full of energy and refreshed. The best thing about this remedy is that it’s made by easy available ingredients, which you already have in your kitchen.
Ingredients needed:
• 1 tsp. of unrefined sea salt
• 5 tsp. of brown sugar
How to prepare:
It’s very simple – you just have to mix the ingredients mentioned above and consume ½ tsp. of this mixture before you go to sleep. Just put it under your tongue – Leave it to melt and work slowly. And don’t forget to follow this ratio – 1:5 (sea salt – brown sugar).
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