The Tongue is one of the most important parts of the body. We can talk, taste and even learn about the health of the rest of our body. According to its shape, color, smell and so on you can determine if you’re healthy or not, and what you might have problems with. Below is the guide into the different symptoms your tongue is trying to tell what they may mean.
Smooth and pink tongue
Pink and smooth tongue means that you’re generally healthy and above all without problems. You probably have small bumps all over the surface which are called papillae and are responsible for their sense of taste. flavors.
Map-like tongue
This is a very interesting condition called lingua geographica, it is actually harmless. The only complaints may be an increased sensitivity to certain foods, types of toothpaste, or spices. It’s a genetic condition and is not considered a disease by the medical field.
White lines on the tongue
Lichen planus is one of the most common mouth diseases, It can be quite uncomfortable, causing uncontrollable itching and heightened sensitivity in some cases, while in others it can be completely symptom free. There’s no course of treatment for this disease but it usually goes away on its own. It could help if you avoid alcohol and tobacco.
Yellow coating
A thick layer yellow on the tongue it is usually a sign of fungal infection. This usually happens when your immune system is weak and it’s pretty common in teens and young children. You’re at higher risk of this condition if you’re wearing braces. If you have a yellow coating on your tongue you should consult your doctor and see how you can resolve this situation.
Sores or blisters on your tongue
Sores or blisters on your tongue can just happen due to an injury, if you’ve bitten or burned your tongue from hot food. Usually they last for a week or two and disappear, but if they last for longer you should go check them out. They might be a sign of cancer.
White coating
White coating is most usually a sign of poor oral hygiene or excessive alcohol consumption. Usually, a good brushing, a go with scraper language, and plenty of water will take care of this problem. It may look pretty unattractive but it’s nothing serious.
Fissures Tongue
This “valleys” appears as you get older but should not be a cause for concern. If you notice the tongue is swelling at the same time you should consult a doctor as it may be a symptom of the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome.
Wavy indentations
This is a condition typical for young children because their tongues usually grow too fast for their mouth. If they appear in an adult it may be a sign of hypothyroidism which is why you need to consult a doctor.
Red and fleshy
If your tongue looks too red and ‘fleshy’ you maybe you’re not getting enough vitamins. According to a study at the Cleveland clinic in Ohio, USA, this kind of red and fleshy tongue can be an indication of a lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Well if it is the case start taking supplements which can be found in almost every pharmacy.
Black coating
This symptom may look especially horrifying but there’s a really a good explanation for it. It is often the result of certain bacteria that is being triggered by poor oral hygiene. It can also occur in people with diabetes or after taking certain antibiotics. You need to start taking better care of your oral health, brush your teeth more regularly and maintain proper oral hygiene.
You’re probably surprised by all the changes which may happen to your tongue but it’s good to know that most of them are harmless and can be treated by simply upgrading our oral hygiene or taking some supplements.
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