Every woman wants her face to look beautiful, soft and smooth and without any facial hair. However, when there is excess growth of hair on the upper lips, cheeks or forehead, it causes embarrassment and it affects the confidence of the person. But yes, this unwanted hair can be remove so that you feel confident enough to face people. There are natural ways to get the desired results that are way less expensive and say goodbye to the painful and ineffective methods of hair removal.
We are offering you a cheaper and easier way to eliminate facial hair naturally and effectively.
Take a tablespoon of baking soda and add it to 200 ml of boiling water. Mix it together and let it cool. Soak a piece of cotton with the mix keeping it dry on one side. Place on the area of skin where unwanted hair grows and keep it in place with tape or a bandage. leave it overnight.
In the morning, remove the wrapper and apply some moistening lotion. 2-3 treatments should do the trick.
For this medicine you need the following: 40 ml of 70{64269450f5507e47f72d388803cf42f72ae561c6cbc2a263afd3460a855b3d20} alcohol, 1.5 ml of ammonium, 2 ml of iodine, 10 ml of castor oil, hydroxide (10{64269450f5507e47f72d388803cf42f72ae561c6cbc2a263afd3460a855b3d20}). Stir all the ingredients together well. Let the mixture stand until it becomes colorless.
You should use this medicine by scrubbing the problematic places in the morning and in the evening. After several treatments you will notice fall of the facial hair which after a good treatment can be remove permanently as well.
This recipe was used for facial hair removal in the 17th century, and was considered as very effective one. On 3 tablespoons of nettle seed put 100 ml of any vegetable oil. Leave it for two weeks in a warm place.
Then strain it through strainer and put it into a jar by closing it with a lid. Use cotton or gause being soaked from the recipe and apply it on the face and hold it for 30 minutes. After finishing you wash your face with soap and warm water. Do this treatment until the hair does not fall.
Just bulb of garlic and scrub areas of the face where unwanted hair grows a few times a day with fresh juice of garlic. Hold the juice of garlic on the face for 30minutes, so you achieve maximum results.
Afterwards, wash it with warm water and put cream on your face.
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